Mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction

Memory deficits are a debilitating symptom of epilepsy, but little is known about mechanisms underlying cognitive deficits. We are using physiology and multiphoton glutamate uncaging to define mechanisms that underlie altered neuronal input-output transformations. Following identification of mechanisms underlying altered integration, we are using in-vivo two-photon imaging and behavioural approaches to probe the impact of pharmacological or genetic intervention for spatial coding and memory function.

Mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction

Mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction




The BTC offers a rich repertoire of cutting-edge technologies organized into 12 core facilities. Numerous transgenic mouse lines and viral vectors is freely available at our in-house repositories.


The BTC offers a rich repertoire of cutting-edge technologies organized into 12 core facilities. Numerous transgenic mouse lines and viral vectors is freely available at our in-house repositories.


The BTC offers a rich repertoire of cutting-edge technologies organized into 12 core facilities. Numerous transgenic mouse lines and viral vectors is freely available at our in-house repositories.